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Von Krahl (2018 Aprill - 2018 November)

Maaeluministeerium (2018 Detsember - 2019 March)

Teise nägu paistab atraktiivsem - fookus sellel, leiad haihtumas enda oma. Selga proovides Teist, ei sobitu või mahu - kõrvalvaatajale abitu matkimismäng - tema on kunagi Sinu nägu näinud. Nägu räägib lugu, kannab infot. Varjates, esmalt enese eest, muutub välismaailmale analüüsitavaks midagi muud nähtavat: aksessuaarist tegudeni - kas nüüd oleme veenvad?

Paraleelselt tahab Oma pimedast välja pääseda, igatseb (enese) omaksvõttu. Teine haistab valet, nii nagu Sina haistad tema oma. Nägu on kole ainult siis, kui omaja teda ei taha. Ilu lööb õitsema omaniku armastusest talle kingitu vastu. Näokaotuse positiivseks kõrvalnähuks on tee tagasi isendani. Fraas „julgus endale näkku vaadata“ ergutab olla kartmatu ja aus: mis mulle meeldib ja mis ei meeldi; mis on minu jaoks ja mis mitte; kelle nägu on minu omale sarnane; kelle nägu armastaksin mina ja kes armastaks minu oma? jne.

Looduse osa on iga inimene, iga nägu – nii Mind ja Sind loodi: omanäolisena. Vaatle taime, kes näitab hingerahuga enese palet, muretsamata, et õitseb vahest hiljem kui kõrvalolev. (2018)

Illustratsioone on võimalik soetada (raamitud trükised / mõned originaaltööd)

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Von Krahl theatre (2018 April - 2018 November)

Ministry of Rural Affairs (2018 December - 2019 March)

The others face may appear more attractive – when focus left there, you find your own fading. Trying it on, it would never fit, feels uncomfortable and for the viewer it is a pitiful imitation game – he has seen your real face earlier sometime. Knowing that you are trying on something, that is not really your style. A face tells a story and bears information. Hiding it, firstly from yourself, something else will appear analysable for the outer world: from accessories to actions – will we now be convincing?

At the same time, Yours wants to come out and craves for (your own) acceptation. Hiding suddenly feels hollow and the other will smell your lies, as well as you can smell theirs. The face is ugly only as long as his possessor does not want it. Beauty will blossom, when love reaches to the gift that has been given. The positive side of losing your face is, that it brings you back to look at yourself while being fearless and honest: what do i like and what not? What is for me and what is not; Who would love my face and whose face would i love? Whose face is similar to mine?

Every person, every face is a part of nature – after all, that's how Me and You were created – look at a plant being perfect just as it is, not worrying if maybe he will blossom later than the one next to him. (2018)

Illustrations are for sale (framed prints / few originals)

in case of interest:

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